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Car transport Europe to UK with 1expressauto europe

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Car transport Europe to UK with 1expressauto europe

Yes, you can ship most cars inside a container if it is not too wide or tall to fit. Most standard sedans and SUVs have no problem with the size limits. Shipping your car inside a container will insure it arrives without any damage. It is the safer way to ship a vehicle across the ocean about Car transport Europe to UK with 1expressauto europe SEE MORE . But there are two other options to send your car to another continent. You could ship your car on a Roll-on Roll-off ship. This is basically a floating parking garage that sails around the world delivering cars and other rolling vehicles. If your car doesn’t fit inside a container this is the best option to go with in Car transport SEE MORE . It is usually 20-30% cheaper to ship with RORO but it also comes at a higher risk. You will need to hand over the keys to the shipping agent and there will be many for Car transport Europe to UKpeople driving your car on and off the ship. If you have some camping equipment or other things in your car there are plenty of stories of items gone missing, if the shipping company even allows items to stay in the car, as well as the risk of adding a scratch or dent to your car in Car transport Europe to UK with 1expressauto europe. The last option is sending your car by plane. You might be wondering: Can cars be shipped by plane? Yes, a car can be shipped by airplane and it is the fastest and safest way to get your car to the other side of the planet. However air freight prices are based on both size and weight in Car transport Europe to UK, which can raise the costs very quickly.

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Shipping by container can be just as complicated, depending on the size of your vehicle you might want to ship it as a Consolidated Shipment meaning you allow the Forwarding Agent to put other things in the container as well. This can be another car or boxes, fridges etc. If you are traveling and want to reduce costs it is normal to find other travellers to share a container with. Motorcycles are always a great addition to a container to reduce the costs for both parties in Car transport. Sharing a container can reduce the costs by 33% – 50% for Car transport Europe. Besides the bare costs for shipping your vehicle you will have to take into account that you will have to pay a fee for the following as well (depending on which your agent will charge for your vehicle) in Car transport Europe SEE MORE . You’ll also receive documentation about your shipping company’s insurance terms and conditions. Shippers are required by law to carry insurance, but the amounts can vary from company to company. Read these details carefully to make sure you’re getting enough coverage to Europe to UK.

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